COVID-19 Webinars
The importance of partnerships in crisis is front and center as we confront the global COVID-19 pandemic.
The importance of partnerships in crisis is front and center as we continue in our efforts to mitigate the impact of COVID-19.
Community-Campus Partnerships for Health and the UNC Center for Health Equity Research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill sponsored this series of webinars entitled “Communities in Partnership: Ensuring Equity in the time of COVID-19.
This Series was held from April to June 2021 in response to a need for information on the impact of COVID-19 in diverse communities.
You are invited to watch our past sessions where we highlight the disparate impact of the disease in the most vulnerable communities in our nation. Please see below for information on each session.
Past Sessions:
All the sessions have been archived here along with the recordings presentations related to resources.
CCPH: Celebrating a Decade of Impact
A celebration of CCPH's 10th anniversary. It includes a message from the CCPH Board of Directors, milestones across CCPH's history and a vision for the future. It also acknowledges the individuals and organizations that have supported CCPH over the years through...
Mining the Challenges of CBPR for Improvements in Urban Health
With the expansion of people living in urban areas, attention to methods that address causes of infectious and chronic disease to maximize health, is as critical as ever. CBPR is viewed as an essential approach to addressing social determinants of health.
Building and Sustaining Community-Institutional Partnerships for Prevention Research: Findings from a National Collaborative
Identifying knowledge about community-institutional partnerships for prevention research, recommendations for strengthening emerging and established partner- ships. Community-institutional partnerships consist of community members, grassroots organizations,...
A Snapshot of Community-Based Research in Canada
The results of a web-based survey of community and university community-based research (CBR) practitioners designed to learn more about the context and efficacy of CBR in Canada.
Community-Higher Education Partnerships: Community Perspectives
Annotated bibliography, primarily developed with community partners in mind, contains citations and abstracts for over 100 articles and reports.
Achieving the Promising of Community-Higher Education Partnerships: Community Partners Speak Out!
The purpose of the Summit was to advance authentic community-higher education partnerships by mobilizing a network of experienced community partners. Participants engaged in a purposeful national dialogue that emphasized lessons learned and recommendations for...
Health Institutions as Anchors in Communities: Profiles of Engaged Institutions
This article explores how health institutions, defined as hospitals, health systems, health professional schools and academic health centers, serve as instruments of community and economic development and describes the variety of anchor roles these institutions play.
Community-Engaged Scholarship: Is Faculty Work in Communities a True Academic Enterprise?
This article defines the work that faculty engage in with communities, consider whether all work by faculty in community-based settings is scholarship, and propose a framework for documenting and assessing community-engaged scholarship for promotion and tenure...
Linking Scholarship and Communities: Report of the Commission on Community-Engaged Scholarship in the Health Professions
The Commission on Community-Engaged Scholarship in the Health Professions, contains detailed recommendations for action by health professional schools and their national associations that can support community-engaged scholarship and cites promising practices that...
Health professional faculty perspectives on community-based research: implications for policy and practice
The research process through partnerships with academic institutions, have become central to the elimination of health disparities. Focuses on the perspectives of health professional faculty and factors affecting their involvement in CBR and the extent of community...
Directory of Funding Sources for Community-Based Participatory Research
This directory includes funding agency descriptions, deadlines, contact information, examples of previously funded CBPR projects, and an annotated listing of funding resource websites. directory-062704fDownload
Institutional Collaboration and Competition in Community-Based Education
8 academic health centers (AHCs) in the USA were selected by objective criteria for their significant community involvement to determine whether competition for community-based training sites exists among health profession schools, and to examine perspectives on...
Community-Campus Partnerships for Health: Making A Positive Impact
This article reports on pragmatic insights from the diverse community-campus partnerships involved in CCPH's Community Voices Service-Learning Partnerships Project. ccph_brochure_00250_03764Download
A Guide to Community-Campus Partnerships for Health of People Experiencing Homelessness
Partnership-building resource for faculty, students and Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) programs. The guide reviews literature on HCH-academic partnerships; provides descriptions of service-learning, clinical service and research partnerships; and includes a...
Case Study for the Principles of Partnership: Best Beginnings – A Child Abuse Prevention Program in New York City
A case study, which used the CCPH principles of good community-campus partnerships to reflect on a successful 10-year old partnership's work and to identify the ingredients of a toolkit for other communities in developing community-campus partnerships.
Speaking Truth, Creating Power: A Guide to Policy Work for Community-Based Participatory Research Practitioners
A tool-kit is designed for community-based participatory research institutional and community partners who want to create or change policies that affect health in their communities.
Service-Learning in the Health Professions: Advancing Educational Innovations for Improved Student Learning and Community Health
This article explores a context and framework for service-learning, curriculum development, developing and sustaining partnerships, reflection, evaluation and continuous improvement.
Community-University Partnerships: Translating Evidence into Action
Proceedings from the National Symposium on Community-University Partnerships: Translating Evidence into Action, cosponsored by CCPH and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of University Partnerships
Community-University Partnerships: What Do We Know?
Document was prepared for the National Symposium on Community-University Partnerships: Translating Evidence into Action, cosponsored by CCPH and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of University Partnerships.
Partners in Caring and Community: Service-Learning in Nursing Education
This article explores a team approach to service-learning in nursing education, its approaches, challenges and rewards.
This webinar series is brought to you in partnership with the UNC Center for Health Equity Research (CHER) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. UNC CHER brings together collaborative, multidisciplinary teams of stakeholders to improve health in North Carolina communities with a shared commitment to innovation, collaboration, and health equity.
Clinical Scholars is a national leadership program for experienced health care providers supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.UNC Rural: Website | Twitter