Why is CCPH creating an MSI Hub?

In keeping with our commitment to health justice, we are launching this Hub to encourage, support, and focus on HMSIs and their vital importance to improving community health. By creating this community we expand our commitment further to the fight for health equity and social justice. 

Goal Statement:

To eliminate health disparities amongst historically marginalized communities.

Vision Statement

To advance community engagement and research initiatives led by MSIs. We fundamentally believe that by leveraging their close proximity to communities, these institutions will be at the forefront of fostering equitable access to healthcare and wellness, empowering minoritized populations, and achieving optimal health outcomes for all.

What can you get out of this page?

You can make a number of connections on the MSI Hub:

  • View a showcase of research conducted by MSI
  • Find internships, scholarships, and fellowships
  • Convenings – CCPH Virtual Table and others
  • HMSI community engagement activities
  • Connect with students interested in improving the health of their communities, student interns, funders, faculty, and staff

MSI Hub Activities

All of Us Researcher Academy

As part of a commitment to fostering diversity in health research, the Researcher Academy supports access to the Researcher Workbench for researchers from groups that are underrepresented in biomedical research.


National network of health service, STEM, student affairs, emergency, and research leaders partnering to advance health equity for students and their surrounding communities.


COVID-19 guidance, resources, forms, templates, and data from four NIH-funded COVID-19 initiatives. Data includes clinical, behavioral, survey, interview, diagnostic/test, biological sample, and sequencing and imaging data from more than 640,000 participants.

The latest from the MSI Hub

Engaging Students in Undergraduate Research through the All of Us Researcher Workbench

Engaging Students in Undergraduate Research through the All of Us Researcher Workbench

This webinar highlights how educators and students can leverage the All of Us dataset to explore underrepresented communities, analyze health disparities, and promote health equity. The session focuses on navigating the Researcher Workbench, applying the dataset to real-world research projects, and encouraging innovative approaches in health-related academic work. It will also emphasize why the Workbench is a crucial tool for capstone projects and scholarly research.

History of MSIs

Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU), Tribal College & Universities (TCU), Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI), and Asian-American and Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AAPISI) all emerged in response to a history of inequity and lack of minority people’s access to historically White institutions. 

Minority Serving Institutions

Interactive Map 

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