CCPH recently hosted two virtual screenings of the documentary, The Color of Care. Produced by Ms. Winfrey’s Harpo Productions and directed by Oscar-nominated and Emmy-winning director Yance Ford, the film traces the origins of racial health disparities to practices that began during slavery and continue today. The film chronicles how people of color suffer from systemically substandard healthcare, particularly from COVID-19.

After the virtual screenings, we invited our community and academic partners to share their lived experiences and created a space for participants to develop strategies to address systemic injustices in the US healthcare system. CCPH is a global leader in convening voices of the community, the marginalized, and the underrepresented in medical research and healthcare to advance health equity. Continue the discussion using our key takeaway sheet.

We invite you to host your own viewings and debrief sessions to continue reflecting and creating platforms for change regarding systemic racism in the US healthcare system. The film can be viewed for free and our debrief guide is available below.
