NC CEAL’s Learn and Share Series presents, “COVID-19: Kids, Variants, and Do I Really Still Have to Wear this Mask?” was held on Tuesday, July 27th, from 6:00-7:00 PM EST!
This webinar was being provided by the North Carolina Community Engagement Alliance (NC CEAL) initiative with funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Attendees learned about what to expect for back-to-school in the fall, COVID-19 variants, and the new safety guidelines for both vaccinated and non-vaccinated people.
This webinar was free and was presented in both English and Spanish, please see the Spanish recording below.
La serie Learn and Share de NC CEAL presenta, “COVID-19: Niños, variantes, ¿y realmente todavía tengo que usar esta máscara?” se llevó a cabo el martes 27 de julio de 6: 00-7: 00 PM EST! Tenga en cuenta que en la grabación a continuación, no se capturaron partes de la presentación.