COVID-19 Webinars
The importance of partnerships in crisis is front and center as we confront the global COVID-19 pandemic.
The importance of partnerships in crisis is front and center as we continue in our efforts to mitigate the impact of COVID-19.
Community-Campus Partnerships for Health and the UNC Center for Health Equity Research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill sponsored this series of webinars entitled “Communities in Partnership: Ensuring Equity in the time of COVID-19.
This Series was held from April to June 2021 in response to a need for information on the impact of COVID-19 in diverse communities.
You are invited to watch our past sessions where we highlight the disparate impact of the disease in the most vulnerable communities in our nation. Please see below for information on each session.
Past Sessions:
All the sessions have been archived here along with the recordings presentations related to resources.
CDC’s Health Equity Guiding Principles for
Inclusive Communication
¿Cómo se desarrolla una vacuna?
Get the Latest COVID-19 Booster – Vietnamese
Get the Latest COVID-19 Booster – Simplified Chinese (Mandarin)
Get the Latest COVID-19 Booster – Russian
Get the Latest COVID-19 Booster – Korean
Get the Latest COVID-19 Booster – Arabic
Get the Latest COVID-19 Booster – Spanish
Get the Latest COVID-19 Booster. Make sure your protection is up to date.
Lista de verificación para las citas de atención médica por afecciones pos-COVID
Healthcare Appointment Checklist for Post-COVID Conditions
Getting a COVID-19 Test
Hacerse una prueba de COVID-19
Find a COVID-19 vaccine near you
Encuentre vacunas contra el COVID-19 cerca de usted
How To Overcome Vaccine Hesitancy
Actualización semanal de casos y muertos por etnicidad, edad, y genero
Materiales para líderes religiosos
Weekly update of cases and deaths by race/ethnicity, age, and sex (updated on Thursdays)
Traditional messaging works: Story highlighting Tennessee’s CEAL team effective use of “old school” methods to inform their community
This webinar series is brought to you in partnership with the UNC Center for Health Equity Research (CHER) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. UNC CHER brings together collaborative, multidisciplinary teams of stakeholders to improve health in North Carolina communities with a shared commitment to innovation, collaboration, and health equity.
Clinical Scholars is a national leadership program for experienced health care providers supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.UNC Rural: Website | Twitter