COVID-19 Webinars
The importance of partnerships in crisis is front and center as we confront the global COVID-19 pandemic.
The importance of partnerships in crisis is front and center as we continue in our efforts to mitigate the impact of COVID-19.
Community-Campus Partnerships for Health and the UNC Center for Health Equity Research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill sponsored this series of webinars entitled “Communities in Partnership: Ensuring Equity in the time of COVID-19.
This Series was held from April to June 2021 in response to a need for information on the impact of COVID-19 in diverse communities.
You are invited to watch our past sessions where we highlight the disparate impact of the disease in the most vulnerable communities in our nation. Please see below for information on each session.
Past Sessions:
All the sessions have been archived here along with the recordings presentations related to resources.
What Influences the Long-Term Sustainability of Service-Learning? Lessons from Early Adopters
This article explores a retrospective, qualitative study of the ten- year sustainability of service-learning among a cohort of 16 colleges and universities that participated in a national demonstration program of service-learning. The extent to which service-learning...
Community-Based Participatory Research Resources
An annotated listing of CBPR articles, reports and websites was prepared by Community-Campus Partnerships for Health for the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program.
Understanding Community-Based Processes for Research Ethics Review: A National Study
This article focuses strengthening the ethics review of community-engaged research, by describing processes of how community groups are establishing ethics review processes to determine whether and how research is conducted in their communities.
Advancing the Healthy People 2010 Objectives Through Community-Based Education: A Curriculum Planning Guide
This guide features background readings, case studies, worksheets, handouts, resources and reflection questions for curriculum planning at all levels of health professional education.
Transformation through Partnerships
This article focuses on the transformational power of partnerships and point to the larger systems changes that are needed to achieve health equity, the ultimate goal of (CBPR), by identifying academic systems as hindering progress and applying these methods to...
Applying Community-Based Participatory Research Principles and Approaches in Clinical Trials: Forging a New Model for Cancer Clinical Research
Applying Community-Based Participatory Research Principles and Approaches in Clinical Trials. Detailed recommendations to engage communities in specific and meaningful ways throughout cancer clinical trials, as cancer clinical trial participation is an increasing... An Online Tool for Peer Reviewed Publication and Dissemination of Diverse Products of Community-Engaged Scholarship
This article seeks to describe the development and pilot testing of, which is a mechanism for the rigorous peer review and online dissemination of products of community-engaged scholarship that are in forms other than journal articles....
Community-Based Participatory Research from the Margin to the Mainstream: Are Researchers Prepared?
CBPR begins with a research topic of importance to the community and aims to combine knowledge with taking actions, including social change, to improve health. CBPR may uncover new reasons for poor control, ways to more effectively address factors correlated with poor...
Why Faculty Promotion and Tenure Matters to Community Partners
Three community partners, experienced with and engaged in partnerships between universities and communities with varying challenges of success and failure, examine the specific challenge of review, promotion, and tenure for community-engaged faculty.
The Community-Engaged Scholarship for Health Collaborative: A National Change Initiative Focused on Faculty Roles and Rewards
This article focuses on the rationale and context for the Collaborative; describes its institutional change model, key components, and lessons learned; and introduces the Faculty for the Engaged Campus initiative that builds from the Collaborative’s work
Advancing the Ethics of Community-Based Participatory Research
This article proposes an approach and a set of strategies to create a system of research ethics review that more fully accounts for individual and community-level considerations.
Assessing the outcomes of participatory research: Protocol for identifying, selecting, appraising and synthesizing the literature for realist review
Protocol for identifying, selecting, appraising and synthesizing the literature for realist review. Realist review methodology to address diversity of research topics, methods, and intervention designs that involve a PR approach; varying degrees of end-user...
Service-Learning: An Integral Part of Undergraduate Public Health
This article focuses on the IOM’s recommendation that all undergraduates should have access to education in public health. Service-learning, a type of experiential learning, is an effective method for teaching public health and developing public health literacy.
Mobilizing Partnerships for Social Change
These papers provide creative, practical and replicable strategies for solving the major health, social and economic challenges facing our society.
Dental Partnerships: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Community-Based Dental Partnership Program
This article highlights the accomplishments of the Community-Based Dental Partnership Program's 12 grantees. The program engages dental students, dental hygiene students and dental residents in service-learning partnerships that provide community-based oral health...
Faculty Toolkit for Service-Learning in Higher Education
This toolkit is divided into 10 units designed to aid faculty in every step of planning, designing, and implementing service-learning programs into their curriculum and institutions as well as program evaluation and assessment.
Realizing the Promise of Community-Based Participatory Research: Community Partners Get Organized!
Building community partners in two priority areas, peer mentoring and policy change. Overcoming entrenched views and policies that serve to maintain university control of the research enterprise, and building the research capacity of community-based organizations.
The Community-Engaged Scholarship Review, Promotion & Tenure Package
A 55-page resource describes 8 characteristics of quality community-engaged scholarship, and includes a sample dossier that shows how a community-engaged scholar may present his or her work to review, promotion and tenure (RPT) committees. A group exercise simulating...
Ensuring Community-Level Research Protections
This article provides guidance for community members, research ethics committee members or researchers to ensure that communities involved in research maximize their benefits and minimize their risks. Community-based...
Partnership Perspectives, Winter 2007 Issue
This magazine issue is a compilation of articles based on presentations at the CCPH 2006 conference, Walking the Talk: Achieving the Promise of Authentic Partnership
This webinar series is brought to you in partnership with the UNC Center for Health Equity Research (CHER) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. UNC CHER brings together collaborative, multidisciplinary teams of stakeholders to improve health in North Carolina communities with a shared commitment to innovation, collaboration, and health equity.
Clinical Scholars is a national leadership program for experienced health care providers supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.UNC Rural: Website | Twitter