In partnership with the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health hosted an expert panel titled, Community-Driven Practices from the Field on December 5, 2024. The panel consisted of 5 experts in community-engaged research...
In partnership with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Salzburg Global Seminar hosted a health program on Centering on Equity: Transforming the Health Science Knowledge System in Salzburg, Austria from October 7 – 12, 2024 for 50 committed advocates,...
Over the last four years, the CCPH collaboration with the RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center (CDCC) has resulted in numerous successful projects and deliverables contributing to the RADx-UP legacy assets that will advance community engagement in health...
Help us welcome Yubelly Perez to the CCPH team! She is joining our team as the CEACR Operations Manager. Please help us welcome our newest member to the team, Yubelly Perez! Yubelly joins our team as a the CEACR Operations Manager. If you have the opportunity to work...
This webinar highlights how educators and students can leverage the All of Us dataset to explore underrepresented communities, analyze health disparities, and promote health equity. The session focuses on navigating the Researcher Workbench, applying the dataset to...
In this webinar, a Researcher Workbench coach from the All of Us Researcher Academy will share key steps for planning to conduct analysis in the Workbench. Researchers will learn how they can use publicly available All of Us resources to craft research questions and...