VIRTUAL EVENT- At The Heart of the Matter: Taking Care of Our Mental Health

At The Heart of the Matter Webinar Series explores the intersectionality of physical and mental health. COVID19 has surfaced the concerns that African Americans have as it relates to isolation, grief, loss, and community trauma. This session will also highlight the mental health needs across generations including addiction and suicide in young adults. Join us […]

VIRTUAL EVENT- At the Heart of the Matter: HBCUs Respond to COVID-19 Part II

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect African American communities disproportionately, HBCU’s are at a crux to empower, develop leaders and create a platform for change. In this discussion, we hear perspectives from HBCU staff and students around challenges, effective methods, strategies, and outcomes in engaging HBCUs in the fight against COVID-19. LEARN MORE  REGISTER […]

VIRTUAL EVENT- At The Heart of the Matter Town Hall: Building an Action Plan

In August and September, CCPH and partners brought to its virtual table an HBCU community of students, clinicians, researchers, and educators with patients, caregivers, and African-American community organizations for a series of bi-weekly discussions on CVD and its intersection with COVID-19, Black women’s health, and mental health. This WEBINAR SERIES will culminate with a VIRTUAL […]

VIRTUAL EVENT- Pivoting for Success: Using Community-Based Participatory Research During the Twin Pandemics

A virtual round-table of community Community-Based Participatory Research(CBPR) practitioners discussing how pivots have been essential during the twin pandemics of COVID-19 and racial injustice to continue advancing the work. We will explore how panelists have handled the challenges and found opportunities to rapidly develop new partnerships and sustain long-standing ones using a CBPR approach. The […]

A Community-Engaged Approach to COVID-19 Testing in African-American Churches

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health and Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics - Underserved Populations (RADx-UP) present: A Community-Engaged Approach to COVID-19 Testing in African-American Churches Community-based participatory research (CBPR) is an innovative approach to combating health inequities through robust partnerships, community mobilization, and responsiveness to community-identified needs and assets. This webinar will describe a faith-based partnership that […]

VIRTUAL EVENT- COVID-19: Engaging Communities Equitably in the Recovery Process

During the COVID-19 pandemic, issues of community engagement and health equity emerged as critical areas of focus. Throughout this period, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) serves as the engagement lead on several NIH COVID-19 projects. Most recently, CCPH has partnered with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as the community engagement lead on a new […]

All of Us Researcher Academy Inaugural Webinar

Join the CCPH MSI Team in partnership with RTI International as we kick off the engagement of HBCU-based faculty, staff, and students with the National Institutes of Health All Of Us Research Program Researcher Workbench. LEARN MORE  REGISTER FOR THE EVENT

VIRTUAL EVENT- CEACR Speaker Series- Successful Community-Engaged Research: Humanizing Institutional Processes for Offering Proper Partner Compensation

Join CCPH and our partners at the Community Engagement Alliance Consultative Resource (CEACR) for the first event in our virtual speaker series, "Successful Community-Engaged Research: Humanizing Institutional Processes for Offering Proper Partner Compensation” on June 24th, 2022, at 1 pm ET. LEARN MORE  REGISTER FOR EVENT

VIRTUAL EVENT- Managing the Impact of Covid in the HBCU Community

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) faced unprecedented challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to traditional challenges faced sustaining an HBCU, its leaders must now incorporate a COVID-19 strategy to maintain campus health while ensuring business continuity. However, what is particularly challenging to HBCU leaders and the communities they serve is their historical context […]

VIRTUAL EVENT- CEACR Speaker Series: Humanizing the Study Participant Journey – Strengthening Inclusive Participation

Join CCPH and our colleagues at the Community Engagement Alliance Against COVID-19 Consultative Resource (CEACR) for a virtual discussion on barriers and facilitators toward inclusive participation in research. This session will highlight ways research teams can engage participants that meet enrollment needs while prioritizing the participant experience. LEARN MORE  REGISTER FOR EVENT

VIRTUAL EVENT – CEACR Speaker Series: Language Equity

CCPH and our partners at the Community Engagement Alliance Consultative Resource (CEACR) present the CEACR Speaker Series, a monthly virtual event highlighting key topics related to successful community engagement in research.  We invite you to attend our upcoming webinar on Language Justice in Research to learn more about best practices, tools, and resources for equitable engagement with […]

VIRTUAL Screening – The Color of Care

Description: We will be hosting a virtual screening of The Color of Care How to Watch: Please click the following link to watch The Color of Care:   Community Campus Partnership for Health Screening Room  *Use Chrome as your browser Access code: ccph  *Access code is sensitive. Please copy/paste exactly as shown.  LEARN MORE